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Reflection and Growth

Sleep and Stress

Sleep and Stress

Sleep plays an important role in the endocrine system, which regulates hormones in the bloodstream. While sleeping, the body attempts to repair damage done by stress and prepares us to handle new stresses coming our way.  During sleep, levels of the stress hormone...

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20 Tips to Stay Calm in Stressful Times

20 Tips to Stay Calm in Stressful Times

In times of high stress, follow one or all of these suggestions to bring calm to your system and spirit. - Consume News Wisely - Be mindful of how much news you consume and the effect it has on you. Priming the brain with negative images can gear it toward threats,...

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100 Year-Old Yoga Teacher Shares Her Wisdom

100 Year-Old Yoga Teacher Shares Her Wisdom

Yoga Teacher and competitive ballroom dancer Tao Porchon-Lynch believes that anything is possible when you listen to your heart.  Just before her 100th birthday, she shares her thoughts on living well and opting for joy. 1.   I wake up before the sun rises...

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