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Reflection and Growth

7 Ways to Eat More Mindfully

Each of us makes more than 200 daily decisions about eating — most of them unconsciously, according to behavior scientist Brian Wansink, PhD, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and author of Mindless Eating and Slim By Design. Having strategies in place teach...

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10 Ways to Jump-Start Happiness

Here’s a mix and match menu of strategies and practices for enhancing your well-being from the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley: 1. Savior Life’s Joys – Pay close attention to life’s pleasures and wonders and share them with others through writing, drawing...

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Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Realize that New Year's day is just another day and that making resolutions on this day is no different from making a resolution on any other day.  It is unrealistic to place too much emphasis on one day as there is time to make gradual changes. Write down your...

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